FOCAP questions NFA’s transparency in the naming of the film industry

Foundation of Concerned Arts Professionals (FOCAP) is questioning the National Film Authority’s transparency in the naming of the movie industry.

FOCAP believes that the direction taken by the current board members, Board chairman and the Executive Secretary has not served the movie industry with transparency, objectivity and all-inclusive to say the least.

Focap is of the view that the National Film Authority with its board chairman David Dontoh has not proven to lead the Authority with the principles, procedures in Act 935 which stipulates the functions of the Authority.

Focap recalls on the 16th of March 2021, a petition was sent to the minister of Tourism Arts and Culture by board members who were disappointed with the rate at which the board chairman David Dontoh and Executive Secretary Julliet Asante disregarded the provisions of Act 935 ( Development And Classification Of Film ).

The petition raised a pertinent issue of the executive secretary forming a committee to seek a nickname for the industry without any notification to the board for consideration of the subject approval.

The minister, according to reports, did not heed the resolutions of the petition and the Executive Secretary had with impunity disregarded the Act and gone ahead to name the film industry BLACK STAR FILM.

Under Act 935, 36 (1) b ), which spells out the functions of the Executive Secretary states categorically that “The executive Secretary shall perform any other functions determined by the board” and 36. (A) says, “ The Executive Secretary is responsible for the day to day administration of the Authority and is answerable to the board in the performance of the functions under the Act. Focap believes none of the above stated on the act was done and is very regrettable.

Act 935, FOCAP can confirm has already defined a name for the Film industry in Ghana. The Act recognizes GHANA FILM INDUSTRY (GFI). Page 3 of the Act states, “ An Act to provide the legal framework for the production, regulation, nurturing and development of the GHANA FILM INDUSTRY (GIF), and for the distribution, exhibition and marketing of the film and for related matters”.

FOCAP believes the new name given by so-called Ghanaians is basically to showcase someone’s make-believe of hard work, pretentiousness and assumptions as if we need at all cost a brand for the movie industry.

Focap has taken note of the undermining, inefficiencies and unlawful ways leadership is working within the Authority and ultimately hurting the industry as a whole in the name of personality infighting, showmanship and not respecting the Act of parliament.

We are asking Ghanaians to reject the so-called name currently given to the film industry.

If one Mr Richard Boateng who once upon a time proposed a name for the industry was aborted without going through the process why should one accept the above which contradicts the Act of parliament?

We call on the film industry stakeholders to actively kick against these current happenings and put the decisions of the Board ahead of any individual decisions.

Kojo Preko Dankwa
President focap

Enoch Agyepong
Vice President, Research
024 471 2136

Mel Kwesi Davis
Vice President
024 655 0298


FOCAPmovie industryNational Film AuthorityNFA