Former Adenta MP explains why John Mahama must not maintain Naana Jane

Former Member of Parliament (MP) for Adentan constituency and National Democratic Congress (NDC) Director for Special Duties, Hon. Kojo Adu Asare has called on the Party’s flagbearer for the 2024 elections, Mr. John Mahama to consider choosing a new running mate other than Prof. Jane Naana Opoku Agyeman ahead of 2024 Polls.

Kojo Adu Asare in an exclusive interview with Overseer newspaper acknowledged that Naana Opoku Agyeman is a fantastic woman and possesses all the good qualities any good person can have but is simply not a good politician for a running mate position.

“For me, this is not the first time am going to say this. Right here in this my living room, I had an interview with Citi television and l said it plainly that Prof. Naana Opoku Agyeman is a fantastic personality and possesses all the qualities of a stateswoman. She is a very solid academician and her 4 years of service as a minister of education were very good but all these qualities put together cannot culminate in making her a running mate for a critical election like 2024.

An opportunity was given to her in the 2020 election and she failed,” he said.

Talking about Prof. Naana Jane’s contribution to the 2020 general elections, Adu Asare contends that he did not see any major contribution from her to the NDC ticket in 2020.

“I am struggling to put together what she brought on board in the past election. As a woman, I did not see what she brought on board to attract women to vote for NDC. She could not even win her home region (Central region) for NDC in the 2020 elections.

“Again, If our candidate, H.E. Mahama fails to consider our suggestion and goes ahead to select her for 2024 and they win, which will be difficult anyway, it means she will be 78 years in 2028. That means that NDC cannot present her for the 2028 elections. It also means that NDC as a party would have missed the succession plan.

“I think Naana Jane’s Qualities and age will be good as a council of state chairperson and she will serve NDC better there”

When asked about possible names he could suggest replacing Naana Jane, Adu Asare said that NDC as a party has many men and women who can do better than Naana Opoku Agyeman.

Source: Overseer

Adu AsareJohn MahamaNDCProfessor Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemanrunning mate