Ghana tops in governance index

Ghana has emerged as the leader in West Africa and ranks fifth across Africa, with a score of 61.7 on the World Economics Governance Index recently published by World Economics Research.

This rating highlights Ghana’s dedication to principles of good governance, positioning it ahead of regional peers like Senegal, which scored 53.6, and Burkina Faso, with 51.8 points.

Although trailing slightly behind countries like Mauritius and Namibia, Ghana’s performance is significant, showcasing its commitment to enhancing governance.

The index, developed by World Economics Research, assesses governance on several key dimensions, such as public participation, transparency, adherence to the rule of law, and government responsiveness.

Ghana’s leadership in these areas demonstrates its commitment to creating a governance model that is equitable, inclusive, effective, and efficient.

The methodology employed by World Economics Research incorporates official statistics and detailed quarterly surveys, enhancing the reliability of the data and offering deeper insights into global economic trends.

This approach also aims to reveal economic shifts that GDP figures might not fully capture, supporting more informed decision-making at various levels.

Ghana’s impressive score on the index not only underscores its status as a frontrunner in good governance within West Africa but also affirms its significant influence throughout the continent.

According to a government spokesperson, this achievement calls for a reiteration of Ghana’s resolve to maintain and even improve its governance standards.

Looking ahead, with ongoing commitment and collaboration, Ghana is set to reinforce its reputation as a model of governance excellence in Africa and beyond.

Ghanagovernance index