Ghanaians urged to embrace peaceful co-existence

Elder Harrison Ankoma Sarpong, Madina District Secretary of The Church of Pentecost has called on Ghanaians to work towards peaceful co-existence.

He said Ghanaians should also use the Christmas season to assist the poor and the marginalized in society to enable them to appreciate the benevolence to humanity just as Christ offered himself as a gift.

Elder Sarpong was speaking at the end of a five-day Christmas Convention of the church at Madina in Accra on the theme: ‘Jesus Christ is the Messiah and Lord’.

He said, ‘as a nation, Ghanaians need to appreciate the fact that Christmas is also a season for giving, remembering, and sharing the love that God showed mankind’.

The District Secretary urged Ghanaians to use the celebration also to take stock of the past year, realize their shortcomings, and intensify their efforts for development.

Elder Sarpong called on all well-meaning citizens and philanthropists to reciprocate God’s love for mankind.

He said the country’s journey during the year had been eventful and that looking back, it was impossible not to recognize the imprints of God’s mighty hand upon the lives of Ghanaians.

Regarding Covid-19, Elder Sarpong urged Ghanaians to continue to observe the safety protocols and not let their guards down and advised those yet to get vaccinated to endeavour to do so.

He appealed to drivers to desist from driving under the influence of alcohol to save life and property.

Source: BBC
