God guides Joseph: Living word devotional

By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Saturday 18th December 2021


Scripture Reading: Matthew 1

But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 1:20

Joseph was disturbed by what had happened to Mary, but his heart was right towards God. He was open to God’s leading. Joseph had a dream in which God showed him the divine dimension of the difficult situation he was confronting. He became aware that Mary’s pregnancy and the events that were to follow had greater implications than were known to him.

The angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph for four reasons:

• To reveal God’s plans to Joseph. God made Joseph aware of the destiny of the child that Mary was pregnant with. He had to fully come to terms with the fact that it was God’s hand at work in the events of his life and that of his wife. He was only part of an eternal plan that predated his own life. The unfolding story of his life was therefore heavenly and spiritual in nature. God wants to make us aware of what He is doing.

• To include Joseph in God plans. The angel called Joseph, son of David. He identified Joseph with the Messianic line of Israel. Though Joseph was a simple carpenter, he had royalty in his ancestry. Every Jewish student of prophecy knew that God had promised a Messiah to Israel who would be from the lineage of David. By linking Joseph to David, the Lord wanted Joseph to know that he was a chosen person. God wants to include each one of us in His plans.

• To explain God’s plans to Joseph. The Lord understood how Joseph felt. He knew his predicament. Joseph needed to know that Mary was not at fault. She had neither been unfaithful nor acted unrighteously. What had happened, had happened because the Holy Spirit had overshadowed Mary and brought about a supernatural conception. God wants to help us understand what we don’t understand.

• To show Joseph what to do. If the Lord had not pointed Joseph in the right direction, he would have acted wrongly. God showed him the right line of action because his heart was right. He was to take Mary as his wife and not divorce her. We learn that when our heart is right with the Lord, He orders our steps in the right direction. God wants to show us the best way to deal with what faces us.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for including me in your plans. Help me to see things as you see them. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

GodJosephLiving word devotionalPastor Mensa Otabil