God is Just: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil


By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Sunday 6th March 2022


Scripture Reading: Psalm 10

LORD, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will prepare their heart; You will cause Your ear to hear, To do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, That the man of the earth may oppress no more. Psalm 10:17–18

As the Psalmist ends his prayer, he affirms God’s concern for him and speaks about His power and intervention. We can rest in full assurance of God’s nature because He is unchanging. Your conclusions would be the same as the Psalmist’s if you were the one who began with questions and uncertainty. We may start with unbelief in prayer, but we must end as the Psalmist did, with confidence about who God is.

• God hears the desire of the humble. Though we may not feel His presence, He knows our heart’s desire. He knows our heart’s cry. It may sometimes seem as though He is distant and unconcerned about our condition. But how we feel and what we see does not define God.

God sees and knows all things and so our wishes and dreams are known to Him. Like the Psalmist, we must make a strong statement of faith that God hears our heart’s desires.

• God strengthens the heart of His people. He gives all the strength to stand against evil attacks so that we do not lose heart. The fortitude and enablement He supplies is sufficient for everything we may possibly face.

Temptations may come to lose heart and give up when we go through the difficult seasons of life. But we should not. God is faithful to uphold us and see us through them.

• God hears the prayer of the humble. The Lord hears and answers our prayer. This is consistent throughout scripture that God responds to sincere and faith-backed prayer.

We cannot fully anticipate how God will respond to our prayers. But we can be sure that He hears and will answer in a way that aligns with His will for us.

• God does justice for the oppressed. In the end, God will make things right. Justice is at the heart of God’s dealings with us. He humbles the high and mighty. He upholds and protects the vulnerable.

God is near to the oppressed, humble, weak and poor. If you have been unfairly and unjustly treated, God will come to your aid and fight for you.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, you are present with me in times of trouble. Thank you for hearing and answering me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

GodjustLiving word devotionalPastor Mensa Otabil