God never forgets his promises: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil

By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Saturday 2nd October 2021


Scripture Reading: Exodus 3

And I have said I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt to the land of the Canaanites and the Hittites and the Amorites and the Perizzites and the Hivites and the Jebusites, to a land flowing with milk and honey.” Exodus 3:17

God met Moses in the burning bush more than 600 years after He made a promise to Abraham. That is a very long time. In the intervening period, a lot had happened to Abraham and his descendants. Abraham had died, his son Isaac had died, and his grandson Jacob had moved the family to Egypt. Four hundred years of sojourn in Egypt had turned the descendants of Abraham into slaves in a foreign land.

On the surface, it appeared as if all the encounters that Abraham had with God had amounted to nothing. The land of Egypt was almost ten thousand kilometres away from the Promised Land. To complicate matters, the Hebrews had stopped worshipping the God of Abraham and forgotten all about their spiritual roots. Yet, God did not forget!

God did not forget the promise He made to Abraham. Time and distance could not limit the I AM. The Lord reaffirmed the ancient pledge He had made to Abraham. In the darkest hour of Abraham’s descendants, the Lord appeared to Moses as a light, burning in a bush.

This same promise-keeping God is the God we serve. He is the One we read about in the Bible and pray to, in the name of Jesus. If the Lord could reach back 600 years to activate a pledge made to a man who was now dead, you can rest in His word.

The Lord assured Moses that He would give the land Abraham had walked on hundreds of years ago to his descendants. Today, you can entrust your children and grandchildren to the Lord. If you serve Him faithfully, He will visit your descendants in their time and show them His sure mercies.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, you keep your promises from generation to generation. I trust you to do what you have promised. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

GodLiving word devotionalPastor Mensa Otabil