God’s garden: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil


By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Saturday 22nd January 2022


Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 34

I will raise up for them a garden of renown, and they shall no longer be consumed with hunger in the land, nor bear the shame of the Gentiles anymore. Ezekiel 34:29

God wants to make our lives beautiful. He wants our lives to be like beautiful gardens – fruitful and beautiful. Gardens do not just spring up; they are deliberately cultivated by someone who has great interest in what he or she is doing. In this case, it is God.

• He chooses us.nJust as a gardener carefully chooses the seed and grounds for his or her garden, God also chooses us and the areas in which He wants to use us. He chooses us because He sees the beauty in us. Others may bypass us because they look only at our outer coverings, but the Master Gardener sees our inner beauty.

• He plants us. God knows where to place us to make us bloom. We may complain about the circumstances of our birth and the family we were born into, but God does not make mistakes with our lives. He does not put us at a disadvantage by where He plants us.

• He nurtures us. God brings the right people into our lives at the right time to add bits and pieces to our lives or to take out some unwanted parts from our lives. He also allows us to go through situations that build strength in us.

• He reveals us. God will cause the beauty in us to be seen by all. After He has brought us to full maturity, He showcases us to the world as His garden of renown. He takes away all shame and raises us in honour.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, you have planted me for beauty and honour. Let your glory be seen through me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

gardenGodLiving word devotionalPastor Mensa Otabil