God’s provision: Living word devotional

By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Tuesday 20th July 2021
(Day 25 of 40 Days of Power)


Scripture Reading: Genesis 12:1-5

I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed (Genesis 12:2-3)

God is a provider. He provides all things for us. When the Lord called Abraham from the land of his birth to a new land, He made firm promises to Abraham. Those promises formed the basis of God’s relationship with Abraham.

God moved Abraham from the security of his home and family to travel through the desert exposed to all kinds of hazards. There were roaming brigands who terrorized travelers as well as wild animals ready to pounce on those who encroached on their territory. In addition to that, many towns and cities were in constant war against opposing overlords.

How would Abraham survive in such a world? Abraham’s life was anchored on God’s promises and that’s what kept him. In our passage, God made seven promises to him.

• I will bless you. God promised Abraham that He would treat Him well and show Him favour on his journey and in His life.

• I will make you a great nation. Abraham was childless when he was given this promise. But God pledged to make a great nation out of him. God fulfilled it, as promised, by giving him many natural and spiritual descendants.

• I will make your name great. Abraham’s name would forever be associated with good things. To this day, we talk about Abraham and his great faith because God made his name great.

• I will make you a blessing. Out of what God poured into Abraham, he would also pour out to edify and enrich others. Abraham therefore became a blessing materially and spiritually to the world.

• I will bless those who bless you. It was in the best interest of all to treat Abraham well because, if they did so, God would also treat them well.

• I will curse those who curse you. God committed to visit His anger upon anyone who mishandled Abraham. It was God’s pledge to be Abraham’s defender.

• I will bless the world through you. Finally, God declared that what He was beginning with Abraham, in calling him to know Him personally as his God, would touch the nations.

As believers in Christ, we share in all these seven promises God made to Abraham. God fulfilled these promises to Abraham; and He will continue to fulfil His promises to us because He is faithful.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, you are my provider. I receive your blessing of favour and increase in every area of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Source: MyPublisher24.com

GodLiving word devotionalPastor Mensa Otabilprovision