God’s word – enlighten us: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil

By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Tuesday 17th August 2021


Scripture Reading: Psalm 19

The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes; Psalm 19:8

This verse shows us two other attributes of the word of God; it refers to God’s written word as His statutes and commandment. The following lessons emerge:

  1. The Word of the Lord are His statutes or precepts. This has to do with how God wants us to practically live the life He has for us. The word of the Lord is our practical guide in all areas of our lives.
  2. As statute, the Word of God is always right. That means, God does not make mistakes. When He tells us that something is wrong, it is wrong; and when He tells us that something is right, it is right. The Lord’s ways are upright and beneficial to us. When we submit to the word of the Lord as our statute, it gives us joy.
  3. The Word of the Lord is a commandment. We live in an era where people do not take kindly to commands. Our generation does not respond well to commands. We want to be appealed to. Strangely, everything that works well in our world does so because it obeys commands. The universe itself operates effectively because is it submitted to rigid commands – laws of physics. The processing units that run our computers, phones, vehicles and household gadgets, operate under commands. Yet, when we think of God’s word as commands, many of us bristle at the thought. If our world functions effectively on laws, then our lives also function effectively when we operate with our Creator’s commands.
  4. The commandment of the Lord is pure. That means it has no defect in it. It is understandable for us to resist the commandments of men since no human is perfect. However, God is perfect; and His commands are uncontaminated. When we obey the command of God’s word, it makes us better people – it enlightens our eyes.

God is right when He tells us not to lie. He is right when He tells us not to commit adultery. Though God’s command can inconvenience us, ultimately it makes our hearts rejoice and our minds enlightened.

Is there a command of God you find too difficult to obey? Why don’t you put the word of the Lord to the test? Obey the Divine Command and see the benefits you receive from it.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I accept your word as my command. Thank you for filling my heart with joy as I obey you. In Jesus name, Amen!

GodLiving word devotionalMensa Otabilword