God’s words is sweeter than honey: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil


Saturday 17th June 2023


Scripture Reading: Psalm 19

More to be desired are they than gold, Yea, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them Your servant is warned, And in keeping them there is great reward. Psalm 19:10–11

The Psalmist regarded God’s Word as more valuable than gold, the most expensive substance in his day. He also regarded it as more pleasing and satisfying than honey, the sweetest substance. God’s word warned him of error and danger; it brought him rewards of many kinds as he followed it.

The Psalmist shows us how to respond to God’s Word:

• We must desire God’s word more than gold. Gold stands for money. It is the most desirable object for most people. When we have it, we feel safe and secure. When we don’t have it we feel vulnerable. The desire for money makes us spend our lives in school to learn and at work to earn it. But God wants us to desire His word above our desire for money. What we do to know and understand God’s word must exceed what we do to acquire money.

• We must desire God’s word more than honey. Honey represents sweetness or pleasure. The greatest pleasure of our lives should be derived from meditating on God’s word. That’s a tough demand but we can work at it. The things that make us happy in life can capture our affection. But God’s word must be more satisfying for us.

• God’s word provides great reward. God’s commands serve as a warning against evil and brings rewards for those who keep it. He rewards us with His presence and peace. Just as there is nothing hidden from the sun, there is nothing hidden from His Word. For the Psalmist, keeping God’s statutes was greatly rewarding.

As believers, when we embrace the warnings of God’s word, we will keep in step with His will and enjoy His rewards.

May we develop an insatiable and unquenchable desire for God’s word.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, your word is better than gold. I receive the reward of my faith in your promises. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

God's wordsweeter than honey