Gov’t To Retain value of Ghana’s mineral resources

The Ministry for Lands and Natural Resources,  Samuel  Jinapor says plans are underway by the government  to invest in value addition to retain the value of Ghana’s mineral resources. 

He said the real value of our mineral resources lie in value addition. 

According to him, through a Public – Private Partnership, the government have established a four hundred kilogramme (400kg) capacity gold refinery, which is now fully completed, and ready to start refining our gold.

Taking his turn at the meet the press in Accra on Wednesday, Mr. Jinapor stated that the refinery is timely, as the Bank of Ghana commences the purchase of gold, domestically, to shore up its reserves. 

“Working with the Ministry of Finance and other stakeholders, we have initiated the processes of securing a London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) Certification, to enable us easily export and trade our refined gold on the international market” he said. 

“PMMC is also engaging stakeholders to create a central market place for gold to boost the local trade in gold. As you are aware, in respect of our bauxite resources, the Ghana Integrated Aluminium Development Corporation (GIADEC), launched its Four-Project Agenda, last year, to add value to our bauxite resources, and promote an integrated aluminium industry,” the Minister added.

The Lands Minister indicated that the Ghana Integrated Iron and Steel Development Corporation (GIISDEC), is also working to add value to our iron ore resources, and build, here in our country, an integrated iron and steel industry. A Masterplan for this purpose is near completion. 

He disclosed that mining continues to be one of the main pillars of our economy, with mining activities taking place in all the sixteen (16) regions of our country, and providing direct and indirect jobs to some three million (3,000,000) people. 

The minister stated that the sector retained its position as the leading source of export revenue, with export receipts from the sale of minerals reaching some Seven Billion US Dollars (US$7,000,000,000.00) in 2020.

Touching on Appiatse, Mr. Jinapor said Government is committed to reconstructing the Appiatse community to a modern, green community. 

He explained that in the coming weeks, contactors will move to site, and the construction of the community will commence in earnest.

On encroachment of State lands Mr. Jinapor maintained that under section 236 of the Land Act, 2020 (Act 1036), not only is the unauthorised occupation or transfer of public lands illegal and unlawful, but it is also a criminal offence, punishable by a fine of up to One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Ghana Cedis (GHS120,000) or a term of imprisonment of up to fifteen (15) years.

He said Section 236 of the Act also enjoins the appropriate state agency in charge of any public land to take steps to recover public lands from encroachment, including ejecting unauthorised occupants or demolishing unauthorised structures. 

The Ministry he disclosed, has constituted a Public Lands Protection Team, chaired by the Deputy Minister, Hon. Benito Owusu Bio, MP, to work with the Lands Commission to protect public lands. 

“Let me, modestly, through you, and on behalf of the President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, assure the Ghanaian people that we will continue to adopt and implement policies necessary for the effective protection, preservation and utilisation of the lands and natural resources of our country” the Minister assured. 
