GSE closes at 2,691 points; returns -3.52% YTD

iner as it closed at GH¢0.90 representing a YTD gain of 4.65%.

The  decliners were ETI, SIC, GCB and GLD as they closed at GH¢0.19, GH¢0.25, GH¢5.10 and GH¢142.50 representing a YTD loss of 5.00%, 3.85%, 0.39% and 10.15% respectively.

Ticker Close Price  (GH¢)Open Price  (GH¢)Price  ChangeY-t-D  Change
CAL 0.90 0.86 0.04 4.65%
ETI 0.19 0.20 -0.01 -5.00%
SIC 0.25 0.26 -0.01 -3.85%
GCB 5.10 5.12 -0.02 -0.39%
GLD 142.50 158.60 -16.10 -10.15%

Market capitalization decreased by GH¢ 222.95 million to close the  trading week at GH¢ 63.82 billion. 

A total of 87.63 million shares valued at GH¢89.23 million traded during the week compared to 10.98 million shares valued at GH¢10.98 million which traded the previous week.

Scancom PLC. (MTNGH) recorded the lion’s share of trades per value as it accounted for96.85% of the total value traded.


Ticker Volume Value (GH¢)
MTNGH 86,422,631 86,422,631.00
GCB 501,264 2,556,446.40
ETI 300,491 57,286.35
POP 144,599 98,327.23
PBC 116,500 2,330.00


GSE closes