GSE: Volume of shares traded improves by 20,907%

Volume of shares traded on the local bourse improved 20,907% over the week.

Total volume of shares traded during last week was 66,164,780 valued at GHS 50.6m.

In the previous week, total volume of shares traded was 314,961 valued at GHS 3.2m.

In terms of stocks trade turnover, the GHS 50.6m recorded over the week, marked an improvement of 1,467% when compared to the GHS 3.2m trade turnover recorded the previous week.

Despite the recorded improvement in both trade turnover and volume traded, value of the local bourse declined by GHS 1.5bn as the bourse ended the week with total market value of GHS 62.8bn from the previous week’s market value of GHS 64.3bn.

The decline in the stock market’s total value was on the back of a corresponding decline in the benchmark GSE-Composite Index by 122.34 points

 Market activity for the week fell 122.34 points to close at 2,396.52 points translating into a YTD return of -14.08%.

The GSE Financial Stock Index (GSE-FSI) also lost 10.68 points to close at 2,092.90 points translating into a YTD return of -2.74%. Twenty-four (24) equities traded over the week, ending with three (3) gainers and four (4) decliners.

GLD, ACCESS and CAL were the gainers as they gained GH¢6.44, GH¢0.45 and GH¢0.01 respectively whilst the decliners were TOTAL, ETI, SOGEGH and MTNGH as they lost GH¢0.01, GH¢0.01, GH¢0.10 and GH¢0.11 respectively.

Volume of shares traded on the local bourse improved 20,907% over the week.

Total volume of shares traded during last week was 66,164,780 valued at GHS 50.6m.

In the previous week, total volume of shares traded was 314,961 valued at GHS 3.2m.

In terms of stocks trade turnover, the GHS 50.6m recorded over the week, marked an improvement of 1,467% when compared to the GHS 3.2m trade turnover recorded the previous week.

Despite the recorded improvement in both trade turnover and volume traded, value of the local bourse declined by GHS 1.5bn as the bourse ended the week with total market value of GHS 62.8bn from the previous week’s market value of GHS 64.3bn.

The decline in the stock market’s total value was on the back of a corresponding decline in the benchmark GSE-Composite Index by 122.34 points

Market activity for the week fell 122.34 points to close at 2,396.52 points translating into a YTD return of -14.08%.

The GSE Financial Stock Index (GSE-FSI) also lost 10.68 points to close at 2,092.90 points translating into a YTD return of -2.74%. Twenty-four (24) equities traded over the week, ending with three (3) gainers and four (4) decliners.

GLD, ACCESS and CAL were the gainers as they gained GH¢6.44, GH¢0.45 and GH¢0.01 respectively whilst the decliners were TOTAL, ETI, SOGEGH and MTNGH as they lost GH¢0.01, GH¢0.01, GH¢0.10 and GH¢0.11 respectively.


Ticker Close Price  (GH¢)Open Price  (GH¢)Price  ChangeY-t-D  Change
GLD 157.20 150.76 6.44 44.75%
ACCESS 3.00 2.55 0.45 -4.76%
CAL 0.75 0.74 0.01 -13.79%
TOTAL 4.09 4.10 -0.01 -18.53%
ETI 0.15 0.16 -0.01 7.14%
SOGEGH 0.96 1.06 -0.10 -20.00%
MTNGH 0.80 0.91 -0.11 -27.93%

Meanwhile, Scancom PLC. (MTNGH) accounted for 97.83% of the total value traded and recorded the most volumes traded.


Ticker Volume Value (GH¢)
MTNGH 65,693,984 49,551,905.91
CAL 121,140 90,848.24
GCB 70,523 352,615.00
ACCESS 70,274 195,838.75
SIC 64,616 20,677.12