Henry Kwabena Kokofu Esq, The Face Behind The Innovative and Evolving EPA!

Hon. Dr. Henry Kwabena Kokofu, Esq is the Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the lead body that oversees and governs Ghana’s environment.

He was the former Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Ghana Integrated Iron and Steel Development Corporation (GIISDEC).

Henry was a Member of the Parliament of Ghana and served on the Parliamentary Select­Committee of Lands and Forestry from 2013 to 2017.

He is currently serving on several Boards including the Petroleum Commission, Lands Commission, Ghana Maritime Authority, Environmental Protection Agency, Public Private Partnership, and Public Investment Program Working Committee, and is the Special Envoy for the Ghana Presidency of Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF).

Educational Exploits:

Kokofu holds a PhD (Environmental Science), LLD (Honoris causa), and Master class Certificate in Leadership and Management. He also holds an LLM (Oil & Gas Law), BL (Barrister at Law), MSc (Agroforestry), MSc (Defense and International Politics), BSc (Natural Resources), and LLB (Bachelor of Laws).

Henry has a successful professional career as a legal practitioner, natural resource scientist, environmental scientist, defense and security, International Politics and Public Administration

He has received several awards and recognition for himself and the Environmental Protection Agency of Ghana

Political Life:
Hon Henry Kwabena Kokofu in his early life in politics started as a polling station executive at the Bantama constituency of the New Patriotic Party.

Having distinguished himself he rose through the ranks to become polling station chairman and later by dint of profuse commitment was rewarded to become Chairman of the entire constituency.

In a matter of time, the delegates of the NPP elected him as a parliamentary candidate for the party.

In the 2012 elections, Henry Kwabena Kokofu won to become the Member of Parliament for the famous Bantama constituency where he served with diligence and commitment to the people.

Work Ethic And Employment Avenues:
Currently at the EPA, Hon Henry Kokofu has ensured that innovation drives the operations at the state outfit.

To scale up the work, the EPA Executive Director has also created employment opportunities and has ensured the employment of 360 staff who are mostly youth.

This is in addition to the 360 staff that existed before his appointment.

Hon Kokofu since his appointment has caused the purchase of 45 brand new vehicles for operations at the EPA.

Creation of New Offices:
Since taking over, Hon Kokofu has embarked on the creation of new district Offices across the country.

Currently, 40 new offices are being constructed and will soon be commissioned for the commencement of work.

One major thing Hon Kokofu has introduced is digitalization in the operations at the state outfit.

Perhaps what makes the Executive Director excel at the offices he occupies is his good human relations and at EPA he has a good working relationship with both the members of the Board and Management.

EPAHenry Kwabena Kokofu