Hon Yussif Jajah, the Noble MP!

Hon Yussif Jajah is a Member of Parliament representing the good people of Ayawaso North in the Greater Accra Region.

He runs on the ticket of the National Democratic Congress, the largest opposition party in our country.

He is a visible member of the Muslim Caucus in Parliament and on the floor.

He is a regular attendee in the works of the House.

He is not too loud but very participatory.

He is my contemporary as we grew up together even though in different localities.

I was based in 441 and he was at Mamobi both areas were in then in the Ayawaso East. ( Then one Constituency).

Life is undefined and unpredictable. Hon Yussif was among the numerous youth who were urging me to contest for the Parliamentary Seat in the Ayawaso East Constituency some years ago. They saw me as a budding politician in the constituency who was making airwaves on the political landscape. He was ably supported by Mahamoud Jajah his brother.

When I declared my intention to run as an independent candidate, both brothers were among my key pillars, motivators, and fellows.

They were amazing in their love, care, and support for me. Unfortunately, my party gurus led by my former boss now Ghana’s envoy to the United Kingdom, HE Papa Owusu Ankomah prevailed upon me not to appreciate that decision to go solo.

I saw the disappointment on the faces of Yussif, Mahmoud, and other numerous youths in the constituency.

I had to apologize to them for my u-turn.

As luck will have it on Hon YJ, a new constituency was created from Ayawaso East.

He laced his boots, and by the Grace of Allah, he has been the Servant of his people, Ayawaso North to the Huse of Parliament for the past seven years.

And I must commend him for his performance both on the floor and outside the House, of Parliament.

It must be stated that Hon Yussif’s humility, friendliness, generosity, industry, commitment, and dedication are commendable and exemplary.

I hope many of our leaders will emulate those amazing traits.

I admire his excellent traits of respect, reverence, and humility. He demonstrates them even in a conclave. ( private).

He does not consider partisan politics in his relationship with all.

As you are aware, my dear reader, I am a staunch member of the New Patriotic Party but I believe in the politics of fairness and truth.

Veritas Liberat(The truth shall set you free).

Let’s praise and encourage one another where we have to and criticize where we must do.

He has also learned the antics and rudiments of politics with ease.

My brother Yussif Jajah (Hon). I hope and pray that you will continue with this excellent culture of humility, respect, and reverence.

You are noble, keep your nobility, I see it in you and I pray that others will see same.

I pray for good health, long life, and success for you.

Keep it up

Stay blessed

Ahmed Osmanu Halid

The Servant

the Noble MP!Yussif Jajah