Hypocrisy, our bane

The Nabu Gate Committee sitting as directed by the Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon Alban Bagbin is revealing a lot of things not only within our Police Service but also the life we live and the hypocrisy of our or some of our politicians.

The past two days revealed three lessons to me as a person.

  1. Don’t put too much trust in people you deal with. It can be business, religion, family ties, relationships, etc. Be careful with your tongues.
  1. Who should be my friend? I have kept on pondering over as I observed Commissioner Alex Yeboa and Bugri Nabus’ spectacle. I decided to stretch my tentacles to the coups in Gabon, Guinea, and Niger. I mentioned these three countries because the Presidents were booted out of their offices by their Presidential guards that trusted and appointed. Life.
  2. Ain’t some of our leaders, especially the political leaders serious in their hypocrisy? A member of the committee asked the witness if the police service is not divided on partisan lines.

Interestingly, he has his colleague party member who informed the world that he had served three different Inspector Generals of Police.

He later resigned from the service within weeks contested for a party primaries and was elected as a member of Parliament on the ticket of that party.

He was able to meet the five-year requirement as a card-bearing member. Amazing!

We are just pretenders.

We are Muslims, Christians, and other believers, but huge pretenders and hypocrites.

Who doesn’t know that our public organizations and civil society organizations are deeply rooted in active partisan politics?

A nation of pretenders and hypocrites cannot grow and bear any good fruit.

We should all seek the face of God and ask for forgiveness.

My takehome so far from the NabuGate Committee of Parliament.


The Servant
