Information Minister presents 2023 RTI implementation report to Parliament

Minister for Information, Fatimatu Abubakar, has presented a comprehensive report to Parliament on the implementation of the Right to Information (RTI) Act, 2019 (Act 989) for the year 2023.

The report outlined the significant progress made in facilitating access to public information, while also addressing the challenges encountered and future plans for enhancing transparency and accountability in Ghana.

Presenting to the report to the House on Friday, June 28, the Minister underscored the collaborative efforts of the Access to Information Division (ATI) of the Information Services Department (ISD) and the Right to Information Commission (RTIC).

The architecture for the implementation of the Right to Information Act, 2019, she said, provides for three operational pillars upon which Article 21 (1) (f) right is accessed: the Supply Side Pillar, the Demand Side Pillar, and the Regulatory Side Pillar.

She emphasized that these pillars, facilitated by the Ministry of Information, are crucial for the effective functioning of the RTI Act.

The ATI Division executed several key initiatives in 2023, including capacity-building programs for RTI officers, research on the implementation of the RTI law, and the establishment of the National RTI Forum.

The Division also developed an Online Records Management System (ORMS) set to be fully operational by the end of 2024. This system aims to digitize the application and processing of RTI requests, improving efficiency across public institutions.

This, she said, will transform records management across public institutions in the country.

“It will enable applicants to apply for information online, aid information officers in keeping accurate records, and improve application response times,” Hon. Abubakar stated.

The RTI Commission also achieved significant milestones, including launching a five-year strategic plan and establishing regional offices in the Bono and Ashanti regions.

The Commission’s efforts were bolstered by the support of traditional leaders and partnerships with various stakeholders.

According to her, the Commission conducted a compliance survey, monitored 250 public institutions, and imposed administrative penalties on non-compliant entities.

She said, “The Commission’s strategic plan outlines a clear vision for our activities over the next five years. It includes adopting digital platforms to facilitate access to information, improving gender equity and social inclusion, and strengthening the independence of the Commission.”

The Information Minister lamented the challenges faced in the implementation of the RTI Act, including financial constraints, logistical issues, and limited cooperation from some public institutions.

She urged the RTI Commission to impose administrative penalties against non-compliant institutions and called for increased budgetary allocations to ensure the effective functioning of the RTI architecture.

She disclosed that the Ministry plans to host the 2024 Global Conference for the International Day for Universal Access to Information in Accra and operationalize the ORMS.

She disclosed that the presentation of a Legislative Instrument for the RTI Act, 2019, to Parliament is also on the agenda for this year.