Investigative Journalism Strong Tool For Accountability, Fight Against Corruption-Manasseh

Investigative Journalist Manasseh Azure Awuni has revealed that investigative journalism could be a strong tool for accountability and the fight against corruption.

According to him, investigative journalism requires certain qualities that will make one stand out as a journalist.

Sharing his views on the work of an investigative journalist with Journalism students of the African University College of Communications (AUCC) in Accra, Mr. Azure stated that having investigative skills is one of the key qualities required in the profession.

The Editor-in-Chief of the Fourth Estate indicated that despite acquiring the requisite skills, competence, courage and character are crucial in the job.

Citing various investigative works among others the Mahama ford scandal and the Robbing Assemblies that led to the cancellation of a 74 million contract in 2017, he underscored the dangers associated with the profession.

With particular reference to the murder of Tiger Eye Pi investigative journalist Ahmed Suale, the Fourth Estate Editor-in-Chief disclosed that most of the time the people investigative reports touch are usually not those who seek to harm the journalist.

“Sometimes those you even report about may not have issues with you. There are people who are prepared to kill for the president, to kill for certain ministers or kill for certain people even without their authority…” 

This Mr. Azure noted is because the people “benefit from the system and when you attack the system, you attack their very existence, that is how dangerous it is” adding “so if you want to do this work, you have to be courageous.”