Israeli ambassador robbed in Zambian capital

Israel’s ambassador to Zambia was robbed of her cellphone and passport while moving on foot in the Zambian capital Lusaka at the weekend, according to reports monitored here on Monday.

The reports said Ambassador Ofra Farhi was crossing a street when a car pulled up alongside her and the occupants grabbed her bag, dragging her off her feet and causing her minor injuries.

There was also some cash in her bag.

Her bodyguards, who were with her at the time, did not manage to prevent the crime.

Farhi was treated at a local clinic and continued on to her scheduled meetings with local officials.

The ambassador said in a statement that though it is the kind of incident that can happen anywhere in the country, “Zambia is very safe and peaceful” and “very friendly to Israel.”

Foreign Minister Stanley Kakubo and a presidential adviser both called Farhi to offer their support.

Farhi is a roving ambassador who lives in Israel and makes diplomatic visits to the countries she serves.

She is also the ambassador to Zimbabwe and Botswana and is due back in Israel in the coming days, according to the report.

Israeli AmbassadorZambian capital