Joe Ghartey lauds Rawlings and Akufo Addo in his tribute to Rawlings in parliament

In his tribute, Joe Ghartey applauded the example of the relationship that developed between President Rawlings and President Akufo-Addo. 

He said, “We see pictures of Rawlings & Akufo Addo together, talking. People who were committed to different forms of governance”.

President Akufo-Addo led demonstrations during the Rawlings era demanding a return to multi-party democracy.
Hon Joe Ghartey stated that “It teaches us that we must be humble, as we experience changes in life”.

Hon Joe Ghartey further remarked that after MPs finish debating on the floor, they share a cup of tea together. He said the relationship that exists between politicians on opposite sides should be an example to their supporters.

“Yes we may not agree with each other, but we must not be enemies”.

Hon Joe Ghartey noted that the beauty of life and the maturity of democracy is that people can disagree with each other vehemently for many years and end up being friends.

The example set by these two Presidents is worth emulating.

