John Mahama behave yourself, you are not wise

To be referred to as an “elder”, you must possess at least the most basic of wisdom and a sense of direction that people may be guided by onto a path of stability, prosperity, and unity.

However, when you flatulently insult the integrity of the learned folks of the Supreme Court, you are only making a fool of yourself by interpreting something you hardly understand and are furthest away from comprehending the fundamentals of, which logic formed the basis of the ruling preempted by the very constitution you hypocritically employ to contest the Presidential elections once again, but, which you seek to disrespect grossly with your vile vituperations.

Why are you such a traitor and an uncomfortable pain in the arse? What is it at all in your genes that make your thoughts skewed toward illegalities and foolishness? I would have loved to believe that being in opposition could have thought you a few lessons in diplomacy, astute leadership skills, and most importantly in having foresight to help steer the country away from the rhetoric of terrorism and chaos that your senseless stooges have continually hyped, for which one of them has landed in jail. Oh yes, and to jail he shall go.

After all, the constitution that you seek to offend is the same that will not allow the destabilization of our country. As a matter of fact, you should be made to face the music for disrespecting Ghana, the constitution, and all that that make us great as a nation.

Do you think that you are the only person in this country with sense? That is your thought, but very few people other than your bootlickers believe you have any sense at all.

In a most important ruling against the petitioners in the infamous landmark election petition of 2013, on August 29, the primary petitioner, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, made a very humbling speech, accepting the ruling of the wise people of the Supreme Court, albeit in a very respectful manner, much in contrary to your behavior, which has caused people to cringe at the bitterness that has, thus far, accompanied your demeanor!

Let us compare and contrast:

Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo (29/08/2013): “whilst I disagree with the Court’s decision, I accept it. I accept that what the Court says brings finality to the election dispute. We shall not be asking for a review of the verdict so we can all move on in the interest of our nation. Everything in my bones, in my upbringing, and in what I have done with my life thus far makes it imperative that I accept a decision made by the highest court of the land, however much I dislike or disagree with it.”

I appeal to all members and supporters of our party, the NPP in particular to accept the verdict of the court. Even in our disappointment, we can take pride in the way we have conducted ourselves. Even in our disappointment we can take pride that the NPP has again led the way in deepening Ghana’s democracy… I am saddened by the verdict and I know that many of our supporters are saddened, too. However, for the sake and love of our country, we must embark on a path that builds, rather than destroys, to deal with our disappointment.”

John Dramani Mahama (10/03/2022): “A unanimous 7-0? Shocking but not surprising. An unfortunate interpretation for convenience that sets a dangerous precedent of judicial interference in Parliamentary procedure for the future.”

So if Akufo-Addo had made the same statement as yours in 2013, what would have happened? Well just to give people an idea, you would have come out with a despicable reply, and your babies with sharp teeth would have chewed and hounded him like wolves chasing a peaceful reindeer. By the way, before you have any say on integrity, ask your former appointees where they got their riches from, like Felix Ofosu Kwakye’s supposed villas that he allegedly bought in the names of family members barely one year into the NDC reign in 2010.

John Dramani Mahama has a long way to go to learn the sense that has eluded him in spite of his presence amongst “elders” throughout his years!

To be referred to as an “elder”, you must possess at least the most basic of wisdom and a sense of direction that people may be guided by onto a path of stability, prosperity, and unity.

However, when you flatulently insult the integrity of the learned folks of the Supreme Court, you are only making a fool of yourself by interpreting something you hardly understand and are furthest away from comprehending the fundamentals of, which logic formed the basis of the ruling preempted by the very constitution you hypocritically employ to contest the Presidential elections once again, but, which you seek to disrespect grossly with your vile vituperations.

Why are you such a traitor and an uncomfortable pain in the arse? What is it at all in your genes that make your thoughts skewed toward illegalities and foolishness? I would have loved to believe that being in opposition could have thought you a few lessons in diplomacy, astute leadership skills, and most importantly in having foresight to help steer the country away from the rhetoric of terrorism and chaos that your senseless stooges have continually hyped, for which one of them has landed in jail. Oh yes, and to jail he shall go.

After all, the constitution that you seek to offend is the same that will not allow the destabilization of our country. As a matter of fact, you should be made to face the music for disrespecting Ghana, the constitution, and all that that make us great as a nation.

Do you think that you are the only person in this country with sense? That is your thought, but very few people other than your bootlickers believe you have any sense at all.

In a most important ruling against the petitioners in the infamous landmark election petition of 2013, on August 29, the primary petitioner, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, made a very humbling speech, accepting the ruling of the wise people of the Supreme Court, albeit in a very respectful manner, much in contrary to your behavior, which has caused people to cringe at the bitterness that has, thus far, accompanied your demeanor!

Let us compare and contrast:

Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo (29/08/2013): “whilst I disagree with the Court’s decision, I accept it. I accept that what the Court says brings finality to the election dispute. We shall not be asking for a review of the verdict so we can all move on in the interest of our nation. Everything in my bones, in my upbringing, and in what I have done with my life thus far makes it imperative that I accept a decision made by the highest court of the land, however much I dislike or disagree with it.”

I appeal to all members and supporters of our party, the NPP in particular to accept the verdict of the court. Even in our disappointment, we can take pride in the way we have conducted ourselves. Even in our disappointment we can take pride that the NPP has again led the way in deepening Ghana’s democracy… I am saddened by the verdict and I know that many of our supporters are saddened, too. However, for the sake and love of our country, we must embark on a path that builds, rather than destroys, to deal with our disappointment.”

John Dramani Mahama (10/03/2022): “A unanimous 7-0? Shocking but not surprising. An unfortunate interpretation for convenience that sets a dangerous precedent of judicial interference in Parliamentary procedure for the future.”

So if Akufo-Addo had made the same statement as yours in 2013, what would have happened? Well just to give people an idea, you would have come out with a despicable reply, and your babies with sharp teeth would have chewed and hounded him like wolves chasing a peaceful reindeer. By the way, before you have any say on integrity, ask your former appointees where they got their riches from, like Felix Ofosu Kwakye’s supposed villas that he allegedly bought in the names of family members barely one year into the NDC reign in 2010.

John Dramani Mahama has a long way to go to learn the sense that has eluded him in spite of his presence amongst “elders” throughout his years!

Source: Faddi Dabbousi

Akufo AddoJohn MahamaSupreme Court