KenMustGo: It’s no longer position of 80 MPs, it’s now a Caucus agenda – Majority leader

Majority leader Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu has said the demand for the dismissal of Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta and the Minister of State at the Finance Ministry Charles Adu Boahene is no longer a position of just 80 MPs but a Caucus agenda.

He noted that though the issues started with the 80-plus MPs, the entire New Patriotic Party (NPP) MPs aligned with the position of the group at a Majority Caucus meeting.

“So it is no longer the cause of the 80 MPs, it is the agenda for the entire Caucus,” he said.

The Majority leader disclosed these during an engagement with the Parliamentary Press Corps (PPC) on Thursday, November 3.

He stressed it would therefore not be the case that anyone would attempt to bribe just the 80 MPs when the matter has become a subject of the entire Caucus.

The leadership, he said, is investigating the bribery allegation to determine if it is true and the motive of the person who made the allegation and stressed, “As of now, we don’t know what the motive.”

“Sometimes these things come up… You remember the issue of the Minister who was nominated to appear before the vetting Committee. There was an allegation that he had attempted to bribe of influence some people. Eventually, it turned about to be an untruth.”

“So even though this one has come before me, I haven’t yet gone into it yet if indeed it is true and that is not to insult the intelligence or integrity of those people who spoke to it.”

The Majority Caucus, he said, will issue a full statement on the matter after it has investigated the veracity of the allegation and the motive behind it.

agendamajority leaderNPP Caucus