Knowing the Father: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil


By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Tuesday 29th March 2022


I write to you, fathers, Because you have known Him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, Because you have overcome the wicked one. I write to you, little children, Because you have known the Father.. 1 John 2:13

The Apostle John addresses Christians as fathers, young men, and children. Each of them had a positive relationship with the Lord. That shows that at every level of our walk with the Lord, there is something new to learn and experience.

John saw believers as people who had a relationship with Christ and knew how to walk in victory over the evil one. All the statements John made about the children, young men and fathers were in the past tense.

• You have known Christ. The Lord Jesus is described as the ‘one who is from the beginning’. He is the Word that was in the beginning and became flesh in order to dwell amongst us. Spiritual maturity comes from having a deep relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. This comes through a long-term commitment to walking with the Lord in obedience. Trials and temptations come our way on this journey, but as we relate with Him, He enables us to remain faithful to Him.

• You have overcome the evil one. As we grow in our relationship with the Lord, we must learn to walk in victory over all the works of the evil one. The more we understand our place in Christ, the greater our triumph over the wiles of the wicked one. As our faith deepens in the Lord, we become conscious of the power and authority we have to resist the enemy and his cohorts. We therefore do not tremble in fear when they come against us.

• You have known the Father To know the Father is to be like the Father. Spiritual maturity moves us into a deeper and fuller knowledge of our God with the result being that we resemble Him. God’s children should resemble their Father in thought and in deed, ever growing to exhibit His characteristics.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I want to know you more and more. Thank you for making me victorious in life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

fatherknowingLiving word devotionalPastor Mensa Otabil