Labour, an asset to the growth of our economy

Labour simply means a key factor of production, distribution, transportation, technology and all other activities for the organization and beyond (Ahmad).

The workforce or labour is the strongest factor of production in every organization.) lllllllllllllllllllllllHumans control everything within the premises of the organizations, factories and shops.
They are the *nerve* *centre* of every organization as stated.
It is both rare and impossible for any organization to exist or thrive without the human resources or workforce.
A company or an organization can have all the facilities, tools and equipment, without labour, nothing can take place.It can be described as a white elephant or nil.
It is therefore important that employers, both private and public sectors should take all matters affecting labour very keenly.
They should provide them with appropriate tools, working gear like boots, clothes, gloves and everything that will enable them to deliver to the apogee.
*Remuneration* is an issue or matter employers should not delay or procrastinate when it is due to the labour. Their salaries, service conditions, allowances and any emoluments should be made available to them at the right time and in a reasonable quantum. 
Employers should not allow any challenges major or minor affecting the labour to escalate.

Quick resolution should be the way forward.

The health and safety of the labour or workers is another important matter that should be taken seriously.

Employers should make sure that this aspect of the labour matter or issue is considered well. They should be provided with the right environment, tools and equipment so that their safety is guaranteed.

When their health and safety is guaranteed,it affects production positively which may lead to the growth of the organization.

Capacity Building / Training; Employers should create the opportunity for their workforce to improve themselves. This can be done through training, workshops, conferences and seminars.

The top-level management should not monopolize such opportunities.  The labour too must be given the chance to capacitate and upgrade themselves.

Effective Communication should be encouraged. Both horizontal and vertical systems of communication should be encouraged.
Labour should be given appropriate information concerning the organization. Suspicions and hearsay should be curtailed.

Motivation should be considered. When workers’ performance positively and productively affects the growth of the organization, they must be rewarded to boost their morale so they can do more for the company.
The rewards can be cash, citations or other tangibles.
The various laws enacted to govern the activities and the relationship that exists between employers and labour should be enforced to the letter to benefit the parties party should take advantage of the laws to ‘outwit’ the other. Both should ensure that goodwill and trust are centrally considered in their dealings or relationships.
The principle of Audi Altarem Partem must be upheld in all their dealings.
Employers must pay and provide all the necessary assistance to the labour and the latter (labour) should also deliver to the success of their organizations.
Formation of unions should be allowed by the employers. This is one matter most employers are not ready to allow.
But it will not be suicidal to give the labour the greenlight to form their unions so that their grievances and other pressing matters can be championed by them.( The Unions).
The unions too should not use the opportunity to antagonize their employers. They should rather use the unions to relate cordially to the growth of the organization.
My two distinguished Labour  Law Lecturers: Kaaka and Senanu have consistently stated that when there is industrial harmony, it affects production positively and this will have a correlation to the growth of the organization and the economy.
No organization can achieve its objectives both administratively and operationally without the active involvement of the labour.
Labour must be motivated so that they will continue to contribute to the socio-economic development of our country.
Once again, I pray that there will be industrial cooperation and harmony to ensure industrial peace and subsequently the growth of the organization.
A human resource or workforce is the citadel of the growth of an organization and the country.
Let’s make our workforce happy.
The Servant.
Salam, peace and love to all
All errors are mine
Learning is not an event but a process.

assetgrowth of the economylabour