Labour Ministry, striking teachers meet again over new GES boss

The leadership of the three striking teacher unions will today, Monday, November 7, 2022, meet the Employment and Labour Ministry to continue deliberations over the appointment of Dr. Eric Nkansah as the Director General of the Ghana Education Service (GES).

The unions declared a strike on Friday, November 4, following their demand for the withdrawal of Dr. Nkansah’s appointment.

An earlier engagement with the Ministry ended inconclusively.

Speaking to Citi News, the President of one of the unions, the National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT), Angel Carbonu expressed disappointment at the Education Ministry for not addressing their concerns sooner.

“The invitation to even come and jaw-jaw was not from the Education Ministry. They were rather trying to banter us in the media through press conferences instead of sitting with us to discuss the issues. So we are on strike, expecting that our demands will be met at [today’s] meeting.”

Meanwhile, the Deputy Minister of Employment and Labour Relations, Bright Wereko-Brobby said he is optimistic that the concerns of the teachers will be addressed.

“This is a matter we can sit and discuss. So I am optimistic that nothing untoward will happen. The issues that they have raised will be looked at and will be resolved by Monday after we meet.”

The unions had requested time to seek the views of their members. They have argued in favour of a career teacher being made the GES boss.

labour ministrystriking teachers