Lands Minister appoints Sole Inquirer to probe into Bulgarian Embassy land issue

Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Hon. Samuel A. Jinapor has appointed a retired Justice of the High Court, Justice Kwasi Anto Ofori-Atta, as a Sole Inquirer, to inquire into circumstances leading to the alleged encroachment and demolishing of property on the land being used by the Bulgarian Embassy.

The appointment of Justice Ofori-Atta became necessary after the media earlier last week reported that a private developer has demolished the Bulgarian Embassy and is developing the land.

Inaugurating the Sole Inquirer on Friday, 18th March, 2022 at the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources, the Minister said following the media reports, a team from the Ministry, led by Deputy Minister Benito Owusu-Bio visited the site to ascertain the veracity or otherwise of the reports.

The team, he said, met a private developer on the site and ordered him to stop work until further notice.

Mr. Jinapor said Government has no hand in the alleged demolishing exercise and, therefore, the need to commission full investigations into the matter.

According to him, the President, who was once the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, will not authorize any action that will affect diplomatic relations or Ghana’s obligation under international law.

He recalled the visit of President Akufo-Addo to Bulgaria in 2007, then as Minister for Foreign Affairs, and the resultant Protocol that was signed between the two countries to promote friendly relations and cooperation.

He added that Government is committed to maintaining the cordial relationship it keeps with Diplomatic Missions in the country.

The Sole Inquirer has been tasked to inquire into all other matters relating to land in which Diplomatic Missions have an interest or which affects them, directly or indirectly.

Justice Ofori-Atta has seven days to present his findings on the Bulgarian Embassy issue, and one month to present his report on other lands issues that affect Diplomatic Missions.

Mr. Abu Jinapor expressed confidence in the retired Judge, who has previously served as a member of the Ashanti Regional Lands Commission and a member of the Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation Committee of the Judicial Service, to conduct the inquiry and make appropriate recommendations to the Government.

Accepting his appointment, Justice Ofori-Atta thanked the Minister for the confidence reposed in him and pledged to will bring his experience to bear and to do all that is necessary to furnish the Government with the full facts and recommendations.


Bulgarian Embassylands MinisterprobeSole Inquirer