Leaked tape showdown: IGP Dampare to face ‘accusers’ at probe Committee today

Dr. George Akuffo Dampare, the Inspector General of Police (IGP), is scheduled to appear before a Parliamentary committee today Tuesday, September 12th, regarding the Bugri Naabu leaked tape.

The tape contains a conversation discussing the reasons for his potential removal from office.

The committee, chaired by Samuel Atta Akyea, aims to provide an opportunity for the IGP to present his side of the story.

In a radio interview with Accra-based Joy FM on Sunday, Mr. Atta Akyea revealed that Chief Daniel Bugri Naabu, Superintendent Mr. George L. Asare, COP Mr. George Alex Mensah, and Superintendent Mr. Emmanuel Eric Gyebi, along with their lawyers, will also participate in the hearing.

Notably, the hearing will be conducted in-camera to safeguard certain issues from public exposure, thus protecting national security.

Mr. Atta Akyea emphasized that while serious allegations have been made in public, the supporting evidence has not been disclosed. The committee will carefully consider what evidence can be made public without compromising national security.

He underscored that the committee is committed to ensuring that the IGP is not unfairly disparaged without being granted a fair hearing. Providing the IGP an opportunity to defend his reputation is seen as an essential democratic process to address the matter at hand.

IGP Akuffo Dampareleaked tape