Let them not prevail: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil


By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Sunday 6th February 2022


Arise, O Lord, Do not let man prevail; Let the nations be judged in Your sight. Put them in fear, O Lord, That the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah Psalm 9:19–20

The psalm concludes with a call for the Lord to “arise” against the foes. It is a clear call for deliverance. While David was singing these words to the Lord, he had not yet experienced deliverance. However, he was certain that God’s deliverance would come.

▪ Do not let man prevail. Wickedness grows worse, and justice is undermined when the wicked succeed in their evil plots. To keep our world in the right order, evil must not succeed.

▪ Put fear in them, O Lord. This is a call for the Lord to terrify the wicked with His presence. It is also a call for the Lord to act in such a way that the wicked will be in awe of Him. Hopefully, this would lead to the salvation of the wicked as they humble themselves before the Lord in worship.

▪ Let them know they are just men. Men cannot bow to the Lord if they think they are ‘gods’. The psalmists pleads for the Lord to cause the wicked to know the limits of their power.

David teaches us to approach God with praise and call upon Him when faced with threats of harm from the wicked. When the wicked come face to face with the Lord, they will be humbled by the realization of the limits of their power and repent.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, arise in our world. Cause wickedness and evil to cease. Magnify your name in all the earth. in Jesus’ name, Amen

Living word devotionalPastor Mensa OtabilPrevail