Let’s work together: Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil

By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Sunday 12th September 2021


Scripture Reading: Joshua 1

So they answered Joshua, saying, “All that you command us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. Just as we heeded Moses in all things, so we will heed you. Only the LORD your God be with you, as He was with Moses. Joshua 1:16–17

When Joshua stepped out to do what the Lord had called him to do, Israel’s leaders stepped out to stand with him. Until we step out to do what the Lord wants us to do, we will not see the people that God has prepared for us.

What an encouragement it might have been for Joshua to see the tribes of Israel pledge allegiance to him. They welcomed Joshua as their leader at a very crucial point. It was at a time when the nation had just lost its long-standing leader and on the verge of battle. Yet, in Joshua, Israel found a reliable leader.

The leaders of Israel offered themselves to Joshua because Joshua had offered himself to God. Leadership is by example. When followers see a dedicated leader, it encourages them also to dedicate themselves. For years, Israel had seen Joshua serve Moses faithfully. They had observed Joshua fight from the front in their first battle as a liberated people – the war against the Amalekites. They knew of the counter-report that Joshua and Caleb had given after they joined ten others to spy out the land of Canaan. On that occasion, Joshua and Caleb dissented against those who thought the Promised Land could not be conquered. All of these past acts of courage assured the leaders of Israel that Joshua could be trusted.

People stand with us when we take a stand. No one commits to a person who is not committed to anything. This applies to all areas of leadership, including the home.

God’s approval of what we do attracts people to us. As long as the Lord was with Joshua, the people would be with him.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, today I take a stand for you. Bring me the people you have prepared to stand with me, in Jesus’ name!

Living word devotionalMensa OtabilWork