Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 1

And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry, (1 Timothy 1:12)

The Apostle Paul expresses thanks to the Lord Jesus for his calling. The Lord did not only entrust the Gospel to Paul; He also enabled Paul to minister that Gospel.

The Apostle saw Christ as the source of strength for his Christian life and ministry. From the day he encountered Christ supernaturally on the road to Damascus, through to the end of his life, the Lord used him to demonstrate God’s grace.

His ministry was marked by the manifestation of spiritual “power” with remarkable results. However, he did not credit his rabbinical training, superior methods or personal charisma as the basis for his success. Instead, Paul credited and thanked Christ for all that he was able to accomplish.

There are lessons to learn from the great Apostle. Many times, we credit our successes to other factors apart from Christ. We credit our gifts, education and personal attributes for all the good things that come our way. That was not Paul’s way.

Elsewhere, he counted all his natural advantages as nothing so that he could gain all that Christ offers to him. Likewise, we must also see all of our natural advantages as nothing so that the Lord will magnify Himself in us and through us.

Though Paul credited the Lord for all of his achievements, he did not take God’s grace for granted. He was faithful to the ministry that the Lord had given him. Faithfulness is taking good care of what has been committed to us.

We are required to be faithful in little things such as how we use our time and the opportunities that God gives to us. Because Paul was faithful in little things, the Lord could entrust him with more significant things.

The Lord will entrust much to our care if we handle what He has given us with great care.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for your grace that enables me. Help me to serve my generation faithfully. In Jesus’ name, Amen.