Wednesday 20th January 2021


Scripture Reading: Proverbs 3

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Today’s reading is one of my favourite verses in the Bible.

• Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Trust means to rely on, depend on, have confidence. When we show trust with God as the object, it means we regard Him as the source of our being. The heart is the centre of our being. Trusting God, therefore, is resting safely in Him without suspecting Him. It is like leaning fully against a wall without any reservation whatsoever.

The adversary to trusting in the Lord is when we lean on our understanding. Many times, our own understand makes sense to us than the ways of the Lord. What do we do when the Lord demands that we forgive; yet our understanding tells us to revenge?

• In all your ways, acknowledge Him. To acknowledge God goes beyond being aware of Him. It is having an intimate relationship with him. This is not merely an intellectual recognition of God’s existence but acceptance of God’s presence to guide and direct your life. We must bring the Lord into the picture in all that we do. We cannot only go to Him to answer our prayers; He must be present in our daily choices.

• He will direct your path. The Lord leads us when we acknowledge Him. When He directs our path, He goes beyond offering guidance to us. In addition to that, the Lord goes ahead to remove obstacles our way. God can guide us around the challenges of life as well as remove the challenges altogether.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, in you, I am completely safe. Help me to trust you unconditionally with all my heart. In Jesus ’name, Amen