Living word devotional by Pastor Mensa Otabil: God’s word – endures forever

By Pastor Mensa Otabil

Wednesday 18th August 2021


Scripture Reading: Psalm 19

The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. Psalm 19:9

The fear of the Lord; what is the relationship between the word of God and the fear of the Lord? The fear of the Lord as it is used in this passage refers to the awesomeness of God’s Word. In the Bible, we see God in situations that are awe-inspiring. He does things or says things about Himself that make us stop in our tracks in holy dread.

Does the word of God have to put fear in us? Yes. Our passage says the kind of fear we must have for God should be clean. We must not approach God with the fear that He will hurt us. Rather, we must approach God’s written Word with a very high respect for His extraordinary power and greatness.

The awe we hold God in, must be our enduring attitude towards Him. When God first spoke the words that are now written in the Bible, those who received them, did so with a sense of wonder and astonishment. That should be our attitude each day as we read the Bible.

One of the reasons people fear God is because of His judgments. The word of God judges. It separates things that do not belong together. The same word that enlightens our eyes also judges us. Sadly, many of us are quick to claim the promises of God’s word or learn its principles to improve our lives without considering its judgments.

Have you ever felt judged by the word of God? Have you read the Bible and felt as if God wanted you to stop doing something you’re doing; or felt that He wanted you to start doing something you’re not doing? That was most likely the judgment of the Lord at work. How did you respond to it?

The good news is that God’s judgments are true and righteous. His judgments are not capricious and without basis. When we hear judgment from God’s word, they are always grounded on divine truth and morality.

As children of God, it is important for us to cultivate a clean or holy fear of the Lord. We must not take God and His word for granted. Neither must we take our relationship with the Lord casually. Yes, He has given us access into His presence, but we must never lose sight that He is the Owner of creation and the Owner of our lives. Yes, He has condescended to come and dwell in our hearts and speak to us, but He is not our ‘buddy’. He is God Almighty. Though, He is our Father, He is also the King of the Universe.

The Lord who blesses us with all things, is also the Righteous Judge who will judge all things one day in our future. It is good to have a holy fear of God.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, you are the awesome and fearful One. I bow to you as the Owner of my life. In Jesus name, Amen!

enduresGodLiving word devotionalMensa Otabil