Local bourse falls 74.40 points; posts -11.66% YTD loss in share prices

Market activity for the week was down 74.40 points to close at  2,464.13 points translating into a YTD return of -11.66% for stocks traded on the local bourse.

The negative 11.66% YTD return on stocks traded on the local bourse imply that, prices of stocks on the Exchange have declined in value by 11.66 percentage points since the beginning of 2022.

Meanwhile, the GSE Financial Stock Index (GSE-FSI) over the week, maintained its value to close at the same mark as it opened at 2,163.03 points translating into a YTD  return of 0.52%.

Twenty-one (21) equities traded over the week, ending with three (3) decliners.

 GLD, MTNGH and CMLT were the decliners as they lost GH¢5.15, GH¢0.07 and GH¢0.01 to close at  GH¢137.85,GH¢0.83 andGH¢0.10 respectively.

As a result, market capitalization decreased by GH¢861.20 million to close the trading week at GH¢63.75 billion.

A total of 60.04 million shares valued at GH¢54.55 million traded during the week.

Compared with the previous trading week, this  week’s data shows a 3109.39% improvement in volume traded and  2892.50% improvement in trade turnover.

Scancom PLC. (MTNGH) recorded lion’s share of trades as it recorded the most volumes and accounted for91.89% of the total value traded. 


Ticker Volume Value (GH¢)
MTNGH 59,853,288 50,123,209.25
TOTAL 48,294 198,005.40
ETI 39,122 6,259.52
GLD 30,071 4,145,283.80
SIC 23,887 7,643.84