Bono Minister launches campaign to promote frequent water intake

Madam Justina Owusu-Banahene, the Bono Regional Minister, has launched a campaign to whip the interest of the masses to drink enough water to improve and build their immune systems.

In that regard, the Regional Minister said she was collaborating with the various radio stations in the region to amplify the campaign to achieve the desirable outcomes.

“I have personally initiated this campaign not only to promote frequent intake of water, but also to improve people’s access to potable drinking water in the region,” Mad Owusu-Banahene stated, at the launch of the campaign in Sunyani.

She indicated about 70 per cent of the human body comprised water, saying frequent intake of potable drinking water washed the system and built body immunity against diseases.

Research, the Regional Minister said, had proven that people who drink water frequently were immune to kidney and other infectious diseases, saying regular intake of water remained one of the surest ways to prevent kidney and other body diseases.

“In fact, water is life, and life is water”, Madam Owusu-Banahene stated, indicating that with climate change impact had made the weather hotter, hence the need for everybody to drink more water in order not to be dehydrated.

The Regional Minister advised the public to also guard against unhealthy lifestyle, and bad eating habits, instead eat more fruits and vegetables as well as reduce the intake of fatty, junk food, preservatives, and taste.

Mad Owusu-Banahene said without the support of the media, the campaign would remain fruitless, and therefore entreated radio stations to dedicate part of their airtime to sensitize the masses on the relevance of drinking and protecting water bodies.

Mr Edmond Yeboah Tano, a Nutritionist at the Sunyani Regional Hospital, lauded the campaign and commended the Regional Minister for the initiative, and called on everybody to embrace and support it.

Madam Justina