DanceGod Lawyer Angry Over GH30K Fraud Case

There was drama at the Madina District Court on Friday when the fraud case involving Laud Anoo Konadu a.k.a DanceGod and Fulan Turkso Entertainment came up for hearing.

This is because the lawyer for the accused resorted to the use of verbal attacks and other unprintable words on the lawyer of Turkso Entertainment.

There were heavy exchanges of arguments which drew the attention of many persons in the gallery of the court.

This compelled the court to warn the Lawyer for DanceGod not to use abusive words on the Lawyer for Fulan Turkso Entertainment since it is against ethics and practice of the law.

Based on the heated exchange of arguments from both lawyers, the court recommended ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) to the parties for settlement.

In the event a settlement breaks down, the case will continue in court.

Case adjourned to 8th April,2024.

DanceGod is standing trial for a GH₵ 30,000 debt and fraud.

Madina District