Mahama Ayariga issues 7-day ultimatum to BoG to provide details on new headquarters

Mahama Ayariga, the Member of Parliament for Bawku Central, has invoked the Right to Information (RTI) Act to seek comprehensive information regarding the ongoing construction of the new Bank of Ghana headquarters in Ridge.

Ayariga’s inquiry encompasses various key aspects, including the project’s procurement procedures, the identities of consultants and project managers, financing arrangements, construction expenses, and specific details related to land acquisition.

Ayariga articulated his request in an official communication addressed to the relevant authorities and proceeded to lay out his queries:

  1. Procurement Process and Contractors: He sought comprehensive insights into the procurement procedures associated with the Bank of Ghana’s new headquarters construction. He specifically requested information about the contractors, consultants, and project managers actively engaged in the project.
  2. Financing Arrangements: The MP’s inquiry extended to the financial framework supporting the ongoing construction. He demanded a comprehensive understanding of the financing arrangements underpinning the development of the new headquarters building.

  3. Construction Details: The request also encompassed intricate details such as the project’s total cost, scope of works, bill of quantities, and projected commencement and completion dates.

  4. Land Procurement: Ayariga’s inquiry extended to the acquisition of the land on which the new Bank of Ghana headquarters is being constructed. He sought information about the procurement process, associated costs, arrangement specifics, and the party from whom the land was obtained.

The Bawku Central MP reiterated the urgency of his query and urged the information to be provided within 7 working days from the date of his letter.

BoG headquartersMahama AyarigaRTI law