Mahama chides Akufo-Addo: If the goal is to enrich yourself, then go to the private sector, have you forgotten?

Former President John Dramani Mahama has slammed President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo over the conduct of his appointees.

Addressing the graduating class of 2023 at the Academic City University College, Mahama urged them not to pursue selfish ambitions when entering politics but to focus on serving the nation and its people.

Mahama referred to President Akufo-Addo’s past advice to his appointees about seeking opportunities in the private sector if they were motivated by personal enrichment.

Mahama stressed that the current behaviour of the President’s appointees deviates significantly from this admonishment, and criticized the apparent forgetfulness of the President regarding his own wise words.

“Some of you who will find yourself in politics, I wish to sound a note of caution.”

“As President Nana Addo said, if your goal is to enrich yourself, then don’t come, go to the private sector.”

“The day of accountability will always come, and with the increased awareness that Ghanaians have, they are demanding to be citizens and not spectators, as the President exalted them to be,” he said.

Mahama urged the graduates to eschew the temptation of using their leadership positions to promote personal or partisan interests at the expense of the nation they have been chosen to serve.

He emphasized the importance of unity and development for the country and advised against victimizing others or settling personal scores when in leadership roles.

“Don’t join these self-centred models of leadership,” Mahama continued, “but I encourage you to promote competency-based staff engagement wherever you find yourself.”

The former President’s remarks resonated strongly with the audience, as he highlighted the need for accountable and ethical leadership in the political arena.

With Ghanaians demanding more of their leaders, Mahama’s call for selfless service and responsible governance struck a chord among the graduates and attendees at the ceremony.

As the nation continues to grapple with challenges, Mahama’s words serve as a timely reminder for both current and aspiring leaders to prioritize the welfare of the nation and its people above personal interests.

Akufo-AddoenrichMahamaPoliticiansprivate sectorrichness