Majority in Parliament calls for extraordinary session to address urgent gov’t business

The Majority Caucus has formally requested an extraordinary session of Parliament in line with Article 112(3) of the 1992 Constitution and Standing Order 53 to address some urgent government business

A Memo signed by Majority Leader Alexander Afenyo-Markin on Wednesday 31st July 2024, noted that Parliament adjourned sine die on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, at which time some items had been duly advertised and scheduled for consideration.

The urgency of these matters, he said, necessitates reconvening to fulfil the constitutional mandate and serve the interests of the Ghanaian people.

“We wish to emphasize that this requisition is made in the utmost good faith and in the national interest, to enable the Government to discharge its constitutional and democratic obligations to the people of Ghana,” he stated.

Afenyo-Markin emphasized the constitutional and statutory provisions that support the request and urged the Speaker to summon Parliament for an extraordinary session within the stipulated seven-day period.

“Considering the constitutional and statutory provisions and in the exercise of our rights as Members of Parliament, we respectfully urge you to summon Parliament for an extraordinary session,” he added.

The business to be deliberated upon and transacted include:

  1. Motion on Financing Agreement between the Government of Ghana and the International Development Association for an amount of Two Hundred and Fifty Million United States Dollars (US$250,000,000) for the Ghana Energy Sector Recovery Programme.
  2. Request for Tax Exemptions for designated beneficiaries under the One District, One Factory Programme.

  3. Ghana Financial Stability Fund, an International Development Association facility of  Two Hundred and Fifty Million United States Dollars (US$250,000,000)

  4. Bills:

i. Budget Bill, 2023

ii. Rent Bill, 2023

iii. University of Local Governance and Development Bill, 2024

iv. Environmental Protection Bill, 2024 Social Protection Bill, 2024

vi. Intestate Succession Bill, 2022

vii.  Chartered Institute of Reconstruction and Insolvency Practitioners Bill, 2023 vill.   Ghana Industrial Property Office Bill, 2024 and the

ix.  National Petroleum Authority Bill, 2024

Below is a copy of the Memo

Extraordinary Sessiongovernment businessMajority in Parliament