McDan Aviation ordered to stop using Terminal 1

The Ghana Airports Company Limited (GACL) has ordered the newly launched McDan Aviation to suspend the use of Terminal 1 at the Kotoka International Airport (KIA), until further notice.

In a letter signed on January 31, by the Managing Director of the Airports Company, Yaw Kwakwa, he referenced a notice to the company to suspend its inauguration of the Private Jet Terminal last Friday, which was not adhered to.

Consequently, Mr Kwakwa said, “We note with concern, your failure to comply with the directive despite the outstanding issues on the prior terms and conditions for the use and operations of Terminal 1 as a Private Jet Terminal.

“Management has consequently directed the suspension of your use of Terminal 1 until further notice.”

The CEO of McDan Aviation has been “requested to relinquish the keys to enable Management to undertake a Joint Inventory by close of business day, Monday, January 31, 2022.”

Copied on the letter were: the Secretary to the President, Jubilee House; Secretary to the Vice President, Jubilee House; Transport Minister, National Security Minister, National Security Coordinator, KIA; Board Chairman, GACL; Director General, Ghana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA).


The Ghana Airports Company Limited has accused McDan Aviation of breaching the laid down procedure after procuring its license to operate in 2019.

It raised concerns in a letter last Friday, January 28, the scheduled date for the McDan Group of Companies’ Private Jet Service launch at KIA Terminal 1 in Accra.

Despite a GACL directive to call off the event, the company went ahead to hold the ceremony last Friday. It was, however, boycotted by GACL leadership.

GACL orders McDan Aviation to suspend use of KIA Terminal 1 indefinitely
Other government officials who were absent from the outdooring of what Daniel McKorley described as a feat in the country’s aviation sector, include Transport Minister, Kwaku Ofori Asiamah.

The Airport authorities said the McDan Group undertook some activities without approval.

Some of which include the commencement of the construction of the private jet terminal without a Plan of Construction Operation approval.

According to the GACL Managing Director, they only became aware of this “during routine security patrols.”

“…and we had to ask you to stop and submit a PCO [Plan of Construction Operation] for review and approval before construction continued.”

Another issue was that the private jet company was “yet to fulfil its financial obligations to Ghana Airports Company Limited (GACL). “

According to the 2-page letter sighted by, “McDan owes GACL a total of $4,505,034 and ¢227,293 respectively.”

Meanwhile, the Managing Director of McDan Aviation has written to confirm their suspension of operations as instructed by the Airport Company.

Source: Myjoyonline

McDan AviationTerminal 1