McDan Praises Alan Kyeremanten for 1D1F policy

Ghanaian business magnate and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of McDan Gruop of Companies ,Dr Daniel Mchkorley, has government to intensify it’s industrialization agenda under the One District One Factory initiative amidst global economic crisis. 

The globally celebrated business mogul heaped kind words on the potential economy changing 1D1F project, describing it as the best thing to ever happen to Ghana.

As part of the Industrialization drive under the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Hon Alan Kyerematen and his team of officials majored on the One District One Factory Project as a flagship policy from the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP). 

The project, which has since produced over *100* functional factories , created over thousands of direct and indirect jobs across beneficial districts.

As a seasoned and a successful business mogul on African soil, Dr. Daniel Mchkorley did not mince words in celebrating the priceless nature of the policy. 

Speaking on Joy News Super Morning drive , McDan and he is affectionately known, called on Ghanaians not to politicize the initiative. 

“We don’t have to play politics with it because this is what will create jobs for the ordinary man on the street. 

This is a business model that can make you fall in some areas. The one District One Factory is one of the best thing to ever happen to this country. 

I really supported it and still supporting it . There is too much hope in the 1D1F and we dont have to joke with it”, McDan said on Joy News. 

The One District One Factory is a collaboration between Ghana government and the private sector that has seen many new factories set up or old and defunct factories revived. 

The policy has seen many Automobile factories, rice processing,  juice processing and other domestic sectors revived through collaboration of government and private sector. 

“What we lack here is job creation and one of the requirements from IMF is that the government can’t employ. This is the time the Private sector can set in to employ people”, McDan emphasized.

On the workability of the initiative, the sucesful business man urged government to put a monitoring team in place to guide the activities of the 1D1F initiative. 

“I thought government was going to setup a monitoring and evaluation team to look after 1D1F. They were to look at where to set up factories”, he concluded. 

One District One Factory is one of the most celebrated initiatives from the ruling NPP and has been credited as the brainchild of the current Trade and Industry Minister, Hon Alan Kyerematen. 

Some African countries have studied the functional mode of the initiative and are currently implementing it across the globe.