Kpessa-Wahyte Speaks Loudly About NDC Making Same “DELUSIONAL” Mistakes That Led To 2020 Defeat.

It is said that “vindication lies in the womb of time”, and Dr. Michael Kpessah-Whyte’s exposure of what happened to the NDC’s election results in 2020, gives a lot of weight to the above quotation.

After a period of helping to lead the false propaganda that the NDC won the election but the Electoral Commission/Supreme Court stole the verdict for the NPP, Kpessa-Whyte seems to have a change of heart and has repented from his deviant ways.

There is also another saying that “when you see the toad jumping during the day time, then it is either chasing something or it is running away from harm”. What is making Kpessah-Whyte have change of heart and is now spilling the beans?

Well, The Informer’s deepthroat sources has is that Kpessah-Whyte feels “used and dumped” by the very people who got him to mess himself up via his insults at the Supreme Court.

Kpessah-Whyte feels very much abandoned with no show of empathy from his former allies and so has decided to come out in the open to free his conscience.

Indeed, the appointment of Edward Omane-Boamah (a complete neophyte) to head the Elections and IT Departments of the NDC is what has angered Kpessah-Whyte.

Who does not know the key role Omane-Boamah played in getting the NDC to lose in 2016 and the key role he also played in messing up the results collation in 2020?

Who does not know how Omane-Boamah was NPP and only jumped into the camp of the NDC towards the 2008 elections when he had his own challenges at Korlebu as a young doctor over some financial indiscretions?

He only run to join the CJA to save himself from what was happening at Korlebu.

For some strange reason, once President Atta-Mills passed and John Mahama took over as Leader of NDC, he has forged a certain unholy alliance with non-NDC people because of a wicked agenda to collapse the NDC and create and new party within the NDC.

Ooo yes, The Informer knows it for a fact that the agenda has been to collapse the core base/foundation of JJ Rawlings’ NDC and for the imposters to recruit outright strangers and form a new party within the NDC.

People who owe no real allegiance to the NDC are now controlling the party and using all kinds of
Machiavellian tactics to pursue their devious agenda of killing the party and creating their own party. They know they would always be referred to as strangers and so if they can collapse the NDC and use the same name to build their own party, then they can lay claim to the ownership of the Party – that is the agenda.

When Kpessa-Whyte writes that “… If our party, the NDC is truly desirous to win 2024, it would make sense for party officials and members to eliminate the delusion that elections are won from the EC strong room, and that we lost 2020 from the EC strongroom. Elections are won and lost at the polling stations.”

He states futher that, “How can a party that has admitted that it was unable to collate its 2020 results claim it lost from the strongroom? Which results did the party give to its agents in the strongroom? Why hasn’t the party put out its results if indeed there was one? What is there to gain from deluding ourselves into another defeat? Let’s own up to our collective mistakes and errors and stop the blame game, there is nothing to gain from self-delusion.”

The lies and wicked propaganda is what has eaten up Kpessa-Whyte and forced him to speak up because his attempt to become Parliamentary Candidate at Shai Osu Doku suffered seriously because he was accused of doing a shoddy job at the EC strong room.

The same people who failed to collate results from the polling stations are the ones running around and blaming Kpessa-Whyte and Rojo Mettle-Nunno – so Kpessa has now decided to let the cat out of the bag.

When Kpessa-Whyte says the NDC is deluding itself into another defeat, this a very deep and heavy statement.

If you combine the Elections and IT Directorates and give to Omane-Boamah, that is one of the biggest delusions that can occur.

Apparently, John Mahama and his wife say that they cannot trust Asiedu-Nketiah and the other executives with money and so it is only Omane-Boamah they can trust to handle the monies that would be used for the elections.

So, Omane-Boamah has become the only person who is going to work for the delusionary victory huh? A very delusional mindset indeed.

In 2016, it was Omane-Boamah, Stan Dogbe and co, who ensured that their actions annoyed and angered people such that the NDC lost by a whooping one million plus votes.

Indeed, the Kwesi Boctway Report is very emphatic about the two personalities being key architects of the NDC’s defeat in 2016.

What elections has Omane-Boamah managed before? And being Communications/Information Minister has got nothing to do with understanding how to manage IT infrastructure.

As mentioned, it is all about money and so under the guise of managing the elections, a few people will use the opportunity to amass wealth from unsuspecting financiers – not bothered if the NDC loses again.

When there are more committed and experienced people to manage our elections, we have chosen to hand over such a vital role to a complete novice whose allegiance is actually questionable.

There is no denying the fact that since John Mahama started leading the NDC, the party has suffered immeasurable damage to all facets of its existence and as things stand now, who can convince floating voters to give their votes to the NDC?

Even core NDC members who can no longer identify with the party (because it has lost its ethos and core values), are sitting on the fence and just watching so how would floating voters be convinced to get on board?

Whichever way one looks at it, Dr. Michael Kpessa-Whyte has thrown a huge dagger into the wheels of the already motionless NDC and The Informer feels very much vindicated that all the things we have said in the past, are now being confirmed by persons who hitherto were ready to eat us up for simply speaking the truth and keeping our conscience clean.

Kpessa-Whyte has spoken; can the NDC dare say he is lying?

The NDC is just not looking serious any longer as a political party: just a bunch of clowns acting in a circus but cannot even get anyone to laugh at their circus acts because its not funny!

The Informer
Monday, September 11, 2023

Michael Kpessah-