Military seize power in Gabon after ‘Ali Bongo wins presidential election’

Gabon is currently experiencing a coup led by a group of senior military officers.

They took control of the country via the national TV channel Gabon 24, stating that they were seizing power due to President Ali Bongo’s win in the presidential election.

The senior officers, representing all security and defence forces in the Central African nation, have cancelled the election results, closed all borders, and dissolved state institutions.

Reports of gunfire were also heard in the capital, Libreville.

The officers claim to be defending the peace by ending the current regime that has been in power for 56 years.

Concerns have been raised about the election’s transparency, including foreign coverage suspension, internet access cut-off, and nationwide curfew imposition.

The country has a history of violent election outcomes since the reintroduction of a multi-party system in 1990.

The 2016 election led to clashes between government forces and protesters, resulting in four deaths according to official figures, but opposition groups claim that the true number is higher.

coup d'etatGabon