Mireku Duker Tips Buem, Oti Region As iron and steel Dev’t Hub in West-Africa

Hon. George Mireku Duker, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Tarkwa-Nsuaem says that Buem and Oti Region is well positioned to become the hub of iron and steel development in Ghana and the West-African sub-region.

He said Buem and, by extension, the Oti region is blessed with mineral resource  Key amongst them being the Iron Ore deposit. 

Honourable Mireku Duker indicated that there is the need to translate this share of the world’s natural resources into sustainable development in Buem.

In the view of the Honourable Mireku Duker, Ghana boasts of over 6 billion tonnes of iron ore deposits at Sheini, Opong Manso, Pudo, Akpafu block and Akokrowa. 

“As of the beginning of this year, my data indicated that the Akpafu block, which includes Baglo Kute and Jasikan Bodada, holds about 1.2 billion tonnes. In contrast, the Akokrowa block, which spans Kwamekrom, and Krachi-Nkwanta, holds some 3.2 billion tonnes” he said. 

In a message read on his behalf at the second anniversary of the Installation of Jasikanhene, the Tarkwa-Nsuaem MP who is also the Deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources in charge of Mines stated that Mining propels socio-economic development.

“Today, Goldfields Ghana Limited is almost done with a US$16 million Stadium for Tarkwa, Newmont currently constructing Ahafo-Kenyasi roads and a whole lot in mining communitie”. 

He stated: “Mr Chairman, developed countries such as the USA, China among others at their peak of development, did so through steel production and believes 

that Ghana is at the crossroads to produce its own iron rods and steel products to foster economic development and growth.”

The multi-billion dollar industry the Tarkwa-Nsuaem Legislator noted is crucial to the government adding ” hence, the establishment of the Ghana Integrated Iron and Steel Development Corporation (GIISDEC) by an act of Parliament (Act 988) in 2019 to help steer affairs.”

He disclosed that  already, eight companies have been granted prospecting licenses already and working hard to access the economically- viability of the potentials in the region.

“I am confident that by bringing together all relevant stakeholders to the table and working hand-in-gloves with regulatory agencies and others, proper mining practices will be adhered to, which will help provide sustainable livelihoods and protect the environment”  Hon. Mireku Duker said. 

“To this end, I humbly call on Bueman to as soon as possible Start sending their Children to read Mining related courses (i.e. Mmning, Geological, Mechanical); Set up avenues to start training interested youth in the various Operating Skills; and Set up a vibrant Panel of Technical Indigenes (compile best practices, feed into engagements back home “. 

” Mr Chairman, in line with the appeal for funds, my Minister humbly donates GHc10,000.00 to support and has assured Nananom of his unflinching support at all times.”

Source mypublisher24.com
