Lugni Residents flee over Chieftaincy dispute

Residents of Lugni in the Nanumba South District of the Northern Region are fleeing for their lives after a chieftaincy dispute led to several gunshots.

The dispute began when the regent of Bimbilla gave kola to one Konkomba leader to be enskinned as the chief of the Konkombas in Lugni in the Nanumba South District.

However, another clan among the Konkombas was against that decision.

The feuding clans are the Binyam and Naamuhi clans.

Sources say that on Thursday night, when preparations were underway to outdoor the chief, the aggrieved clan started firing gunshots. The Naamuhi clan was allegedly attacked by the Binyam clan.

The Naamuhi clan was enskinned by the regent of Bimbilla as the Konkomba chief for Lugni, and the Binyam clan is against that, leading to the shooting incident on Thursday evening.

This has led to a serious tension in the town.

Meanwhile, the police and the military have moved in to salvage the situation.

The police have confirmed the incident and said they are investigating the matter. They have also called for calm in the town.