NDC is panicking because 2022 budget has resurrection power – Stephen Amoah

Member of Parliament for Nhyiaeso and former Chief Executive of MASLOC, Stephen Amoah, has stated that the 2022 budget is a resurrection tool comparing the performance parameters of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

According to him, the economy that the NPP government inherited from the NDC was dead and characterized by high government and interest rates.

He argued, however, today’s economy that the opposition NDC claim is sick and in intensive care is performing far better considering the economic parameters.

“Interest rate was about 40% but go to the banks today it is about 21%.  When treasury bills are going up, it means the economy is bad. Treasury bills for the same period was 22.5% but now you get it around 12% or 13%,” he stated.

Mr. Stephen Amoah was reacting to stiff opposition that the minority is putting up against the e-levy in the 2022 budget debate.

He noted that one of the most dangerous things in every society is when decision-making processes are being influenced by deception, lies, twisting of issues, propaganda.

The 2022 Budget, he said, is exposing the evil intentions of the NDC who have demonstrated that because of the balance in Parliament, they will disrupt and put impede everything about development.

“I think it is time to let Ghanaians know that the NDC who claim they love Ghana; claim they are social democrats that are supposed to initiate policies to enhance the betterment of Ghanaians is high deceptive. It is not true.”

“The claim the NPP is wicked because of the way there is hardship so we decided to actually withdraw road toll to make Ghanaians feel better.”

“Now they are putting pressure on us to restore and take taxes from drivers. Can you understand the irony of this,” he queried?

The Minority NDC, he said, is determined to reject the budget and put impediments in the way of the government so Ghana’s development will suffer to give Ghanaians an excuse to reject the NPP.

He averred that this is not the time to allow propaganda to halt the country’s development and challenged the ‘professors and doctors’ in finance to come again in their calls for the removal of taxes.

He challenged them to present their arguments on paper and stop making arbitrary statements to force the public to make unnecessary demands on the government.

Source: Mypublisher24.com

2022 budgetNDCressurection powerStephen Amoah