NDC will abolish E-levy in 2025 if NPP passes it; It is daylight robber – Asiedu Nketia

General Secretary of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), Asiedu Nketiah, has stated the party will abolish the Electronic Transfers E-levy if the NPP passes it.

Addressing the media at Obra Spot at the Nkrumah Circle ahead of the Coalition of Concerned Ghanaians (CCG) demo, the NDC General Secretary, Johnson Asiedu Nketia described the E-levy as daylight robbery.

He stated, “The fire will keep burning so long as we have a government that operates with impunity.”

“We will abolish it within the first 100 days we assume power. It is not taxation. It is daylight robbery. Taking people’s capital from their pockets.

“We are not against taxation. Taxation is for value addition. But we will not sit and watch the government to keep robbing us. The E-levy is not taxation, it is daylight robbery. The alternatives are there. Who in his right senses in this country asked the Minister for Roads to argue that we abolish the road tolls and convert the toll booths to toilets and washrooms?” he added.

The General Secretary further stated the E-levy is aimed at robbing the ordinary Ghanaian of their hard-earned capital.

The demonstration by the Coalition of Concerned Ghanaians (CCG) is currently underway in Accra.

The group says they are protesting poor economic policies by the Akufo-Addo administration.

“All and sundry feeling the pinch and bearing the brunt of insensitive Akufo-Addo/Bawumia administration as well those who will feel the severe impact of the E-levy, if passed to join other well-meaning Ghanaians at the Obra Spot at 7:00 am on Thursday, February 10, 2022, for the Yentua demonstration.

“The is a clarion call and a civic duty to fight for our survival and that of generations yet unborn. This is our country and the onus is on us, as citizens to make it a better place,” the Coalition noted in a statement.

Asiedu NketiahE-levyNDC