NHIA hastens investigations into cases of extortions

The National Health Insurance Authority (NHIA) is on a manhunt for credentialled service providers who are demanding extra money (out of pocket payments) for medical services covered by the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS). 

In collaboration with the law enforcement agencies, the Authority has hastened its investigations into widespread cases of extortions and will soon punish the offenders.
This comes at the back of recent complaints by the Scheme’s members who are livid over the conduct of some service providers at the point of healthcare delivery. 
The Authority’s Deputy Chief Executive in charge of Operations, Mrs Vivian Addo-Cobbiah, brought this to the fore when she met a team from Corruption Watch Ghana. “There is no justification for providers charging the Scheme’s members for services funded by the NHIS.”

She reiterated, “at no point should a member, especially pregnant women, be charged for maternal healthcare services fully covered by the NHIS. Women are entitled to free services throughout pregnancy and at childbirth and so mothers charged at the point of need should report to the NHIA for appropriate redress.”

With reference to reducing maternal mortality, she said the NHIS’ objective is to keep people alive and reminded all residents in the country to enrol on the Scheme.

As Ghana is on the path of attaining Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2030, she encouraged the Scheme’s active members to raise their immediate concerns using the hotline 6447.

She commended the team from Corruption Watch Ghana for the painstaking investigations into barriers to the nation’s free maternal healthcare policy. 

The Deputy Chief Executive, Operations was supported by the Director, Provider Payments, Dr Francis Asenso-Boadi and a Deputy Director, Corporate Affairs, Mrs Stella Adu-Amankwah.