Nine best fruits to eat for breakfast to supercharge your morning [Cont’d]


Kiwi may not be as popular as apples and berries, but it’s great fruit to eat at breakfast, or really at any time of day. Turned off by the idea of peeling and slicing kiwi? Simply cut it in half and scoop out the fruit with a spoon.

Now, for the health benefits: kiwi is high in vitamin C, which can help boost immunity.3 It’s also high in fiber which can increase satiety, and it may help with digestion as well, Young says.


“Cantaloupe is super rich in vitamins A, C, potassium, and fiber,” Young says. “It’s also super high in water so it’s perfect in the morning if you don’t feel like drinking water.” The suggested serving size for cantaloupe is one to two cups, but this fruit is so low in calories that you don’t need to worry about how much you eat, Young says.08of 09


Wrapped up in their own natural packaging, bananas are one of the easiest fruits to slip in your bag and take on the go in the mornings.

“They also contain resistant starch, which is not digested by our bodies but rather is beneficial bacteria in your gut,” Michalczyk says. “We continue to learn more and more about the importance of gut health and how it plays a role in many different functions in the body.”

Bananas also contain fiber, B vitamins, and minerals like potassium, manganese, and magnesium.09of 09


If you’re an avocado toast devotee, you know this is one of the tastiest breakfast options around. But that may not be the only reason you find yourself eating it whenever you can—aside from being an absolute joy to the taste buds, avocado toast tends to leave many of us feeling really good too. Personally, I know that when I have avocado toast in the morning, it keeps me feeling satiated for hours.

“Avocados are a great fruit to consider having at breakfast because of their fibre content,” Michalczyk says. “Most of us do not get the recommended 25-38 grams of fibre daily, so jump-starting your day with a fibre packed fruit like avocado can help with digestion and keep you fuller for longer.”

A half-cup serving of avocado 1/2 cup contains about 5 grams of fibre, along with healthy fat (great for helping you feel full!), vitamins K, E, and C, and folate. [Cont’d]
