NPP National Council of Elders call for calm and unity

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) National Council of Elders has urged party members to remain calm and united in the wake of the recent resignation of Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, a former presidential aspirant.

The Council of Elders acknowledged the decision of Kyerematen to resign and expressed their good wishes for his future endeavors.

The Council of Elders, responsible for ensuring party cohesion and preparation for the 2024 General Election, emphasized the importance of unity within the party.

In a statement released on Saturday, the Elders noted that while issues arising from the August 26th Delegates’ Conference were being addressed by relevant party structures, assumptions about conclusions from the ongoing work of the Disciplinary Committee were premature. They stressed the significance of resolving internal differences amicably and maintaining party solidarity.

“The cohesion within the Party which sustains it and will enhance its chances of success in the forthcoming general election is vital. We have confidence in the Party’s leadership to resolve all issues that may arise with the assistance of the Council of Elders.”

“In a big family such as ours, differences in opinions are bound to occur. The resolution of such differences is what is important. We have a fight ahead of us in 2024. We are therefore appealing to all members of the Party to remain calm and united. The Almighty God is with us.”

“NPP, the big Elephant, is bigger than any individual in the Party,” the statement.

Read the text of the full statement

The National Council of Elders notes, with regret, the decision of Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen, a member of the New Patriotic Party to resign from the party.

The Party has reacted to the decision and wished the former member well in his future endeavors.

The Council of Elders has been working tirelessly to ensure Party cohesion and adequate preparation towards the General Election in 2024. We have always been mindful of our roles as enshrined in Article 16 of the Party’s Constitution
(especially 2a). Whiles issues that arose out of the August 26th Delegates’ Conference are being tackled by appropriate party structures, we have been standing by for any mediation role where necessary. The job of the Elections Committee in addressing concerns having been concluded successfully has paved the way for the November 4th Conference. It is our understanding that the Disciplinary Committee is yet to conclude it’s work.

Reactions to assumed conclusions from the Disciplinary Committee may therefore be premature. The cohesion within the Party which sustains it and will enhance its chances of success in the forthcoming general election is vital. Has taken his decision and we can only join the Party in wishing him well. As a collective Abusuapanin, the Council appeals for calm within the NPP family in the midst of the current happenings. We shall overcome. In a big family such as ours, differences in opinions are bound to occur. The resolution of such differences is what is important.

As elders of the party, we do recall numerous tumultuous occasions in the life of the Party and yet it has survived and infact grown from strength to strength

We have a fight ahead of us in 2024. We are therefore appealing to all members of the Party to remain calm and united. The Almighty God is with us.
NPP, the big Elephant, is bigger than any individual in the Party.

We have confidence in the Party’s leadership to resolve all issues that may arise with the assistance of the Council of Elders..

Long live NPP, Long live Ghana


Alan Kyerematencalm and unityCouncil of EldersNPP